Contact Details
Please contact the school using the following information.
School Office | Mrs Linda O'Neill |
Address | Monksmead School |
Hillside Avenue | |
Borehamwood | |
Hertfordshire | |
WD6 1HL | |
Telephone | 020 8953 3328 | |
Special Educational Needs
If you have any queries, please contact our school SENCO, Rebecca Rocha, using the details above.
Safegaurding Concerns
Please call the school office on 020 8953 3328 and ask to speak with the Designated Safeguaring Lead (DSL) or Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL).
Donny's Breakfast and After-school Clubs
If you need to contact the school about Donny's, please use the following numbers:
- during the school day (8.45am - 3.15pm): 020 8953 3328
- outisde of normal school hours (7.30am - 8.45am and 3.15pm - 6.00pm): 07547 953138