Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed

Welcome to Year Two


Teacher : Mrs Strugnell and Mr Murrin
Support staff: Miss Kevin, Miss White, Miss Richings


Spring Term in Year 2


Happy New Year!

I hope the children have enjoyed their first few days back at school. I have really enjoyed being back in the classroom with such an enthusiastic class. We have many things to look forward to this term. The class timetable and the Key Stage 1 Curriculum Overview have been uploaded onto the website, so please take a look at that.



Reading will be taught through our daily phonics and English sessions. By the end of the term, the class will be learning to read through ‘guided reading’   In addition, an adult will hear each child in the class read at least once a week.  Please continue to read with your child and note this down in their reading record. If you have any questions or queries about your child’s reading level or progress, I am always happy to respond to specific notes left in their reading record.   



As in the autumn term, homework will continue to be given out on a Thursday and will be due back in on a Monday.  It will be related to work covered in class and it is meant as a chance for the children to consolidate their learning.  The work shouldn’t prove challenging to the children, but will give them the opportunity to practise skills learned over the week.  Most weeks the work will be English or Maths based, but on some occasions, I may set work from other curriculum areas.



PE sessions will be on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings this term. We are very lucky to have Mrs Bedwell  - a specialist PE teacher and gymnastics coach -  for our Thursday gymnastics sessions this term.  Please make sure that your child has their PE kit (named) in school.  There may be occasions when the children take part in PE outside so please make sure that your child has trainers, jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt in school for when it is cold outside.


Please also ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in to school to see me or any other member of the Year 2 team.


Thank you


Mrs Strugnell and Mr Murrin.


Year 2 Timetable Spring 2025

Phonics and Reading

In Year 2, the children continue to build on the skills they have learnt whilst using the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) phonics programme in Reception and Year 1.

Children will read individually each week and will be given a phonetically decodable book to read and practise.   One the children have completed the ELS scheme, they move on to using the Collins Big Cats reading scheme.

To support their love of reading, children will also be encouraged to choose a 'sharing book' - this is a book that may or may not be fully decodable but can be enjoyed with parents and family members as a book to read together.


Science Knowledge Organisers  - Spring 2025

 Knowledge organiser for the individual topic area.