Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed




At Monksmead School we recognise that technology impacts on almost every aspect of our children’s daily life – both within school and outside of school.  We acknowledge that not all of our children have access to devices or the internet outside of school and therefore it is even more vital that our curriculum provides both equality and equity of access to learning experiences within school.  At Monksmead, we aim to enable all children to achieve their full potential; this includes children of all abilities, social and cultural backgrounds, those with disabilities, EAL speakers and those with additional needs.

Our children are growing up in a rapidly changing world in which technology is constantly evolving. In the future, our children will be using technology which does not yet even exist.  Our intention is to provide the best possible learning experience for each and every child to help equip them for these challenges.   We aim to provide a rich, exciting, relevant and challenging computing curriculum which not only enthuses our children but also equips them with the computational skills they need as well as the skills, understanding and attitudes that are essential for them to be able to keep themselves safe.

Our school values are integrated throughout our work, with children learning to not only respect technology and its potential impact but also learning about the importance of respect for others who they may encounter when online.  We encourage the children to reflect on their learning and how they can improve and take their next steps.  We also equip children with the skills to reflect on their activity online to ensure that risks are not taken and they can keep themselves safe.  The ethos of our teaching is for the children to believe that they can achieve their goals and succeed in their learning.




Computing is taught as a discrete subject using the Purple Mash scheme of work.  It has been adapted to fit the needs of our children as well as the teaching sequences of other subjects in each year group.  This has been achieved through dialogue with staff and by, for example, reorganising content.  The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential.

The key areas of learning within the computing scheme of work are:

  • Digital Literacy – including online safety
  • Information Technology
  • Computer Science

Each of these areas is covered in every year group.  The curriculum is clearly structured to allow children the opportunities they need to practise, consolidate and progress their learning as they move through the school.  It is clearly planned so that teachers are able to see where the learning in their class fits within the wider scheme.   

We have decided at Monksmead that each year group starts with an Online Safety module to ensure that our children gain an increasing and age-appropriate understanding of how to keep themselves safe when online.   The online safety content is also revisited throughout the year, for example through our work in Anti-Bullying Week as well as in February around Safer Internet Day.  

To enhance our children’s excitement and to make relevant connections to the ‘real world’, we have included influential role models from the computing world throughout the curriculum.  These role-models come from a variety of backgrounds, including different ethnicities, different genders, representatives of the LBGTQ+ community and also those with both hidden and non-hidden disabilities.

Regular assessment allows us to track children’s progress across the curriculum and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that all children have the ability to reach their individual potential and the standard needed to equip them for a successful future.




By the time children leave Monksmead School at the end of Year 6, they will

  • be self-aware – they will be able to reflect on and understand the impact of their actions when online and the impact of technology, in its widest sense, on their own lives. They will be confident to seek support when needed.
  • embrace differences – through learning about role-models and influential key figures within computing, they will understand that everyone has the potential to make a positive contribution to the computing world. They will respect the work of others and will demonstrate respect in all communications.
  • be ambitious to take the next step – children will be confident in their own ability to overcome computing challenges, believing that they will succeed. They will be excited about new technologies and will be able to apply their own knowledge and skills to each new challenge and will pro-actively look for support, when necessary, to help them succeed.
  • be worldly-wise – our children will be able to confidently, successfully and safely navigate the online world for their own personal enjoyment as well as for their learning and personal development - at school, at home and in their future education and careers.