Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed



Guidance for parents


Our Attendance Policy can be viewed by clicking here.  This policy is currently being revised in line with new National Framework for Penalty Notices for school absence which is being introduced through changes to secondary legislation. These regulations will come into effect from Monday 19 August 2024 and will take precedence over the current policy.

Please click here to download our Pupil Absence Request Form.

The Governing Body and Staff at this school are opposed to avoidable absences from school.

We believe that, in most circumstances, family holidays should be taken to coincide with school holidays. 

Children’s absence for a family holiday has a particularly damaging effect upon progress at school.  Children are typically excited, distracted and lacking concentration for several days prior to the holiday and it takes them several days to settle into a routine after their return to school.  Our curriculum is carefully structured and challenging and all classes will undertake a range of new work each week.  New work frequently builds upon previous learning and children often find it difficult to “catch up” after a period of absence.  The Headteacher is the only person who can authorise a child’s absence from school.

Parents who are planning a family holiday, which will require a child to be absent from school should complete the Leave of Absence form at least 20 days before the first day of proposed absence, giving details and the reason for the holiday being taken during term time.  The Headteacher will reply giving a decision with regards to the authorisation of the absence. The Leave of Absence form is available here.  We have developed these arrangements in close co-operation with all other local Primary and Secondary Schools.

 Borehamwood and Elstree Attendance Expectations.pdfDownload
 Monksmead Attendance Policy 2024.pdfDownload
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