School PE Timetable Spring 2025
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Year 6 Year 4 |
Year 1 Year 2
Reception Year 4 Year 5
Swimming Year 3
Year 1 Year 2
Swimming Year 5
Year 3 Year 6 |
At Monksmead School, we offer a coherently planned sequence of lessons to help ensure that all pupils progressively cover the requirements of the P.E. National Curriculum. Through a combination of the ‘GetSet4PE’ scheme and comprehensive lessons delivered by a specialist P.E. teacher we ensure that all children have a varied and thorough grounding in this subject. This enables opportunities for progression across the full breadth of the P.E. curriculum throughout Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2. In Early Years and Key Stage 1, the focus of the P.E. curriculum is the development of the fundamental skills that are then built upon during Key Stage 2 when they are applied in specific sports.
At Monksmead, we believe that it is important to develop a passion for physical activity, sport, exercise, and healthy competition in all young people. We aim to help create a positive and healthy physical and mental outlook in the future and to help pupils develop essential skills such as leadership, teamwork, and resilience through dealing with success and failure. Within each P.E. lesson, we provide each pupil the opportunity to develop skills, consider the impact on their health and fitness, compete, perform, and reflect. These elements are always clearly identified both in lesson plans and through assessment. Lessons are carefully and clearly differentiated, which allows teachers to ensure learning is tailored and inclusive to each child. We intend for every pupil in Key Stage 1 and 2 to have access to a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity twice a week.
The detailed lesson plans support all teachers to have a secure level of subject knowledge and provide the knowledge and skills required to feel confident in teaching all areas of P.E. regardless of their main areas of expertise. They allow teachers to deliver modern, high-quality lessons which provide exposure to all areas of the PE curriculum. Lessons are planned to provide pupils with opportunities to practise, build on existing skills, and to develop new or more advanced skills. There is a structure to the sequence of lessons where prior learning is considered and there are opportunities for revision and practise as part of the lesson plan. Our aim is for this revision to become part of good practise and ultimately help build on pupil’s knowledge, skills and understanding of P.E.
Teachers use key assessment questions, which enables them to assess the different levels of understanding at various points during the lesson. Regular assessment is also carried out on all pupils throughout the year to highlight where any shortfalls occur and to repeat any lessons or activities where necessary.
The use of play leaders, activity-based resources and a variety of play equipment aims to promote active break and lunchtimes.
By the time children leave Monksmead School at the end of Year 6, they will:
- Be self-aware – they will be able to reflect on and understand the effect exercise has on their bodies and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully they will develop a love for physical activities either as part of a team or individually, which they carry on with in their adult lives.
- Embrace differences – through activities such as raising money in our annual Race for Life event and Sports Day all pupils gain an understanding that physical exercise can be undertaken by all regardless of someone’s age, ability, sex or physical ability.
- Be ambitious to take the next step – through the entering of numerous competitions available to pupils in Key Stage 2 in sports such as football, netball, cricket, swimming, athletics, and cross-country running all pupils gain an experience of competing against local schools. Many of these pupils will foster a love of competition, which they can continue with at their next school, university, or adult life.
- Be worldly-wise – through a variety of enrichment activities that are booked throughout the year pupils can experience a sporting activity that they may not have previously been exposed to. Past examples include yoga, rock climbing, maypole dancing and inspirational visits from Olympic athletes.