Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed

Black Lives Matter


At Monksmead we strive to create a community where everyone feels valued, respected and welcome.  We are incredibly proud of the part that our school has to play in the Borehamwood community that is rich with diversity. 


Our staff and governors were deeply saddened by the death of George Floyd in America and had the school been open to all our children, we would have addressed this horrific act of racism through honest and open discussion and reflection. I’m sure children at home will have been exposed to the story on the news and through social media as well as heard the term Black Lives Matter.


Herts For Learning have issued a statement regarding the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement and are committed to supporting schools in Hertfordshire through its school improvement work, to review the curriculum and ensure that there is good representation of black and ethnic minority voices and experiences in and outside the formal taught curriculum.


We are committed to educating ourselves and our children to help address these injustices, to promote kindness, empathy and understanding through modelling inclusive behaviours.

We have included the BBC Blue Peter message on racism to support you in discussions you may be having with your children around the subject of race.