Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed

Welcome to Year 6

Teacher: Mrs Taplin
Support staff: Miss Cato

Happy New Year!


I hope you all had a brilliant time during the Christmas holidays and are rested and ready for this term’s learning. The content and skills of what we will be covering can be found on the long term plan below as well as this term’s timetable. We also have our PGL trip coming up after the half term break which I’m sure a lot of you are looking forward to!


Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day so that they can keep hydrated during the day.  Due to hygiene reasons, it is difficult to provide cups for the children, so it is important they have their own water bottle.


PE – Tuesdays and Fridays
This term, both the Haberdashers’ Boys’ School and Girls’ School are kindly providing Swimming lessons every Tuesday afternoon for Year 6. A coach will collect them after lunch and return them at 3:15pm. The sessions will take place across the entire term so the children will need to bring in their swimming kit every week.


Spring Swimming dates at Habs:        

Tues 14th Jan       

Tues 21st Jan

Tues 28th Jan      

Tues 4th Feb        

Tues 11th Feb       

Half Term – not on

Tues 25th Feb

PGL (Tues 4th Mar) – not on     

Tues 11th March

Tues 18th March

Tues 25th March

Tues 1st April


Every Friday morning, Year 6 will have a PE session at school. Please make sure your child has their named PE kit in school at all times. For indoor PE, children need a pair of trainers, a white t-shirt with the Monksmead logo, and blue shorts. For outdoor PE, children can wear tracksuit bottoms and a zip up hoodie or sweatshirt over their t-shirts. Children should not wear any part of their school uniform for P.E., this includes tights. If a child is wearing tights, a pair of socks will be required for the P.E session.


Walking home

If you wish for your children to be able to walk home independently at any point this year, you will need to provide written permission - a handwritten note or message on ClassDojo is fine. If you would like them also to have a phone or other communication device for their own safety as they walk home on their own, they can put it in our class box as soon as they arrive at school in the morning. This box is then sent down to the school office where it is kept safe until the end of the school day.


Homework and Reading Records

Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and handed back in on a Tuesday morning along with signed reading records. It will usually consist of one piece of Maths work (in paper form or on Mathletics), a reading comprehension sheet and a spelling activity. As always, homework not handed in on time will need to be completed at break or lunchtimes. The homework set is in addition to regular reading with an adult at home and children will receive 2 merit points if their reading record is signed three times a week.


Thank you for your support,


Mrs Taplin



Year 6 Spring Timetable 2025



Science Knowledge Organisers  - Spring 2025


Click on the images below to enlarge the knowledge organiser for the individual topic area.

